Post Form Tops

Finish off your kitchen with our wide range of post form tops

PVC Ceilings

Select range of high-quality PVC ceilings


Looking for a solid finish? Look no further than our granite top cuts

Post Form Tops

  • Supplier: PG Bison
  • Size: 3600 x 600
  • Status: Available

PCV Ceilings

  • Supplier: PVC
  • Size: 1123 x 123
  • Status: Available

Granite/ Quartz

  • Supplier: xxx
  • Size: 3600 x 600
  • Status: Available

Melamine Boards

  • Supplier: xxx
  • Size: 3600 x 600
  • Status: Available

Request a Quote

If you would like to enquire about any of our products, please complete the form or use one of our other contact methods.

Tel: +263-29-2473391 or 2473390

Mobile: +263-772144571


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